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Crave's Guide to Festival Season

Crave Team

Updated: Aug 9, 2022

Festival season is upon us, and with all of the excitement around it, there’s bound to be some nerves too. We want to soothe your anxieties and make sure you have fun and enjoy yourself! In this article, we’ll be looking at the Must-Haves and Must-Do’s, to guarantee you won’t leave anything behind.

MUST HAVE: All-weather protection

Even if you check the forecast consistently in the lead up to the Festival, the weather can be incredibly unreliable. Make sure to pack sun cream, after sun, a raincoat, sunglasses, maybe even an umbrella. Depending on where your event is, you may encounter 30 degree heat or rain and thunder; it’s best to be prepared for both. Some stores will sell ponchos specifically for festivals; you don’t have to worry about ruining your outfit with a raincoat if you’ve bought a stylish one especially for the occasion.

MUST DO: Check the festival rules

The last thing you want is to get yourself completely prepared for your festival, just to arrive and find out that half of your items are prohibited. Some festivals will allow items that others won’t; if you’re planning on going to a few, it will be easy to get mixed up with all the different rules. So, make sure to double check what you can or can’t bring to each one, and try not to get them mixed up with each other…

MUST HAVE: Comfortable shoes

This might sound like a really standard packing item, but incorporating the shoes you wear into your festival outfit can be important to many people. However, you need to remember that you’ll be walking/standing/dancing in those shoes all day, so be sure to pack comfy, sturdy shoes that can survive being danced in all day and night. We’d recommend some comfortable trainers or boots, but not your most expensive pair; you don’t want them to get ruined! It’s also worth packing a pair of flip flops or sandals to be prepared for any kind of weather.

MUST DO: Check when/where your favourite artists are playing

Some people love a music festival for the vibe alone, but if you’re determined to see certain artists, just make sure you check when and where they’re playing. Most festivals will have their itinerary on their website before the event, so keep note of that to ensure that you don’t miss out on your favourite’s performance. It’s also good to get yourself acquainted with the layout of the event; having a rough idea of where different tents/stages are will make finding your way around a lot easier.

MUST HAVE: Your own water bottle

The queues for just a bottle of water can be insanely long, but many festivals will have water fountains to fill up your own bottle. Having your own bottle isn’t just a good way to keep yourself hydrated; it’s a more eco-friendly option and, as an added bonus, you could coordinate your bottle to match your outfit! Check out Chilly’s or EcoBottle for a water bottle that will last you for a long time and won’t hurt the planet.

MUST DO: Decide on a meeting point with your friends

There will be some cases where you end up needing to split up with your group, either to go and get food or drink, or because you want to see different artists. The best way to keep yourself and your friends safe, is to decide on a designated meeting spot so you can all meet up. It may also be helpful to have each other’s locations on your phones, so you can easily find each other if you get separated.

MUST HAVE: Food and drink

Double check before you go, but some festivals will allow you to bring your own food and non-alcoholic drinks- as long as they are completely sealed. This will help you to save money on the food at festivals, and also can be helpful when you’re in need of a post-show snack. We’d recommend bringing some Crave drinks along for your festival experience, keeping your energy up and your head clear so you can make the most of the festival! You can order your drinks from Crave here…

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