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Introducing Adam Saez (part 2!)

Crave Team

We’re back with part two of our interview with Adam Saez, Fitness Coach and Business Owner. Keep reading for more insights on his lifestyle, and how you can live healthier.

CRAVE: What do you do for fun when you're not working?

ADAM: At the moment I am always working. Recently, my girlfriend got me an xbox- which really brought me back to my childhood. So now, every opportunity I can, I play a game called Halo. To be honest, it’s not a consistent thing; it’s something I just jump on every now and then. For me, I find going to the gym fun. I couldn’t not go to the gym.

CRAVE: What are three things you can’t live without?

ADAM: That’s a big one, actually. Number one is a place to work out, which doesn’t necessarily have to be a gym. Oddly enough, it is for my mental health; a lot of people won’t think that, because my background is more about physique and performance. But, from a health perspective, I can’t go without the gym for too long. If you see me after two weeks without a gym I’ll start going crazy! From a business perspective, and what I want to do for the rest of my life, I need a solid internet connection. That’s not even for video games or youtube or whatever, that’s to run my business. I told my girlfriend that, wherever we move to, those are my two conditions. If I had to choose a third, I guess you could say vegan junk food.

CRAVE: What is one of the benefits of being plant-based that people don't think about?

ADAM: To me, plant based is a diet and veganism is a philosophy. So, veganism can be healthy or unhealthy; it isn’t necessarily correlated to your health. Whenever I talk about veganism, people automatically either say it’s bad or good for your health, but that’s not the point. So when I’m talking about going plant-based, because our business is based around plant power, we’re able to make those connections later on. We can say “hey look, because you’re eating more plant based- you’re helping more animals and the environment.” If I had to say a benefit of being plant-based that people don’t think about, I’d have to come back to what I was saying about my cardiovascular health. There’s plenty of studies to show how you can reduce your inflammation, reduce the strain on your heart and lungs- your cardiovascular health is just going to go through the roof.

CRAVE: What’s your favourite place for a night out?

ADAM: When someone says club, people immediately think of loud, EDM music and a crazy atmosphere. For me, I think of a lounge or a place I can chill out. To be able to hang out with friends, have a conversation, have a drink. That to me, is what I’d call a night out. In the same sort of vicinity, it’s good to have an option to have a dance to loud music. When I go to these clubs and there’s not a single place where I can sit down, have a drink and chill- that’s not for me.

CRAVE: What are your top 3 tips for someone who wants to start living healthier, whilst still maintaining a fun lifestyle?

ADAM: Health means different things to different people. For example, if someone says to me “eating a pizza is unhealthy”, I would say “how?” Many will make something up on the spot, but let’s just assume it is unhealthy from a nutritional standpoint- is it healthy to go out with your friends every now and then, enjoy food together and socialise? I would consider it unhealthy to avoid social get-togethers because the food may be calorie dense or may be low in vitamins and minerals- when you have to look at the holistic approach of what health means. Health isn’t just about nutrition, it’s about getting together with friends, enjoying certain aspects of your life. It’s not about restrictions.

So, tip number 1- balance. When you think of balance you probably think of a scale that’s balanced in the middle. I think that scale is more like the 80/20 scale, where you’re more focused on the big things that you have to be doing, and the smaller things also keep that scale balanced.

For tip number 2, I think, if you’re moving away from animal-based products, you’re going to feel so much better overall- and I say that from a vegan perspective, not a plant-based perspective. You could use that same logic against me and say, “well I enjoy eating chicken with my friends, that’s healthy for me.” But my point is, there is a victim involved in that scenario- so I don’t consider it to be the same thing. If you want to eat a meat alternative to chicken, go for it. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I think it’s healthy, it means that you are enjoying something and there’s no victim involved in that.

Tip number 3- I think it’s kind of tied into the first one, but planning your day based on that balanced lifestyle. Meaning that, if you have appointments, meetings and work schedules, and you put that all into a calendar- use that same principle to apply to your fun or flexible time. This is the time that I’m at the gym, this is the time that I’m watching Netflix with my girlfriend, this is the time that I’m working- that allows you to see the big picture and see how everything is broken down. In most cases, people can start to plan their week with a system that doesn’t clash and works well for them.

CRAVE: And just to finish things off, what’s your favourite Crave flavour?

ADAM: I think I’d have to say Lime + Mint!

Excellent choice, Adam! We really enjoyed our chat, and feel as though we learned a lot. If you want to try Adam’s favourite flavour, or any of our others, check out the Crave shop here.

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